"Song of the Stars"
This is the Monday Memo where I plug one of my side projects that I
think you might be especially interested in. Thanks for indulging me!
Last April, soon after I joined the COSI team, some of you got to see
the live premiere performance of "Song of the Stars", a unique and
ambitious production I developed that told a story that we know from
science - the formation, evolution, and death of stars in our universe
- in the form of contemporary dance.
Thanks to many incredibly generous Kickstarter campaign contributions,
we were able to professionally film that performance. Now, after
months of effort (and a few surprises, like having to commission an
original score), the film is now complete. I've never produced a film
before, so to call it a learning experience is an understatement.
Now begins another round of learning-by-doing, including submitting to
film festivals and working to distribute the film to PBS member
stations. But the first step is a premiere, which we're hosting at the
Gateway Film Center on Saturday, January 28th at 4:30pm.
After the premiere we'll have a Q&A session with myself, the film
producer, the artistic director, and the score composer, followed by a
dessert reception with a cash bar. Tickets are just $8 and you can
reserve them here:
This project is an experiment: to bring science education to new audiences in new ways. It's a long journey and I couldn't do it without the continued support of so many people, including you. I hope to see you at the premiere!